Our Core Values

We esteem the Word of God

We view the Holy Spirit as our worship leader

We seek to magnify Jesus and minimize “self”

We are not moved by applause or criticism

We are a surrendered, hope-filled, praying people

We believe in championing and equipping the next generations of worship leaders

Our Goals

We seek to be reflective of the greater Church and our surrounding community – intergenerational, culturally diverse, and doctrinally united.

We are on mission to grow a congregation of mature, spiritually healthy worshipers.

We seek to represent Jesus through worship with such clarity that there are measurable results – professions of faith, baptisms, increased faith, miracles, and other indications of spiritual growth and life within the Body

We seek to empower songwriters within the Body and write original music that magnifies Jesus and edifies the Body

We seek to take creative risks and continue to innovate as the Spirit leads

We seek to cast vision and continue to cast vision until our mission is accomplished, or Jesus returns.

Discover our Digital Mixtape

Fresh picks from our rotation (and songs on our radar) to keep you worshiping throughout the week. Add your pick to the mixtape! Email worship@dfchurch.com.

Featured playlist: Resurrection Season

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire”.

Hebrews 12:28-19